Friday, October 25, 2013

My creative thoughts on creativity!

Creativity! I have been staring at my laptop for the last 10 minutes! Am I that low on creativity? I am sure I have had some “Eureka” moments and some “light-bulb” moments when I felt like an absolute genius. I now decide to take the effective approach that we used in Prof. Walls class, take 8 minutes to jot down ideas and thoughts. If you can come up with great ideas in a rapid fire setting, you should be able to get thoughts on creativity in a similar setting. One of the few questions I have asked myself is whether creativity is whether is innate or if it can be harnessed. If I were to take a stance, I would say it can be developed and harnessed if you try hard or if you try harder or if you keep on trying harder. I feel that the main reason why it is perceived as innate is because people associate creativity with a master piece of art or a novel. Yes, I could never be able to come up with a piece that nearly comes close to any of Picassa’s even if I try my entire lifetime. I could never write elegantly as Dan Brown. But is creativity only confined to Art? Absolutely not.

Cricket in Project Management?

I have been creative at work. I have creatively managed my team.  Let me explain the scenario. I was a program manager back in India in a software company where I lead a team of software developers. The common myth about project management is that one does not need a creative soul. People think project managers are systematic, organised and just manage deadlines. But that’s hardly the case. Sometimes you need to be creative to manage your team effectively. I encountered a problem during my phase as a program manager. I found that the team that I was managing was not motivated enough. They were not fully committed to deadlines. I tried giving them pep talks and encouraging them, but nothing worked. I was frustrated. I wanted to find a way to motivate my team and make them productive. It was the time when we had the Cricket league season. Cricket is really big in India. In fact, we had the slogan “Bleed Blue” everywhere ( blue because Indian Cricketers wear a blue uniform (suit?, dress ?)) ! Cricket is something that bought Indians together. It was not a game, it was a religion! I noticed something interesting in my team. Though my direct reports were not motivated to work, they would skip lunch to watch some highlights of the cricket game and regularly talk about players with such passion. Why is working never so fun??! I got a creative idea. I divided my team into 2 teams, gave them names of players. I created a website with the Cricket league theme (kind of like a fantasy football game) with the help of two software developers. And for every piece of project they would complete, they would get runs (points). If they did a great job they would get 6 runs (equivalent to touchdown). Soon, everybody started loving work!! It worked like magic. They were so motivated and involved. In this case, I did not come up with a master piece but I creatively solved the problem….by connecting Cricket and Project Management. I reflected on what Prof.Walls talked the other day in class about creativity and Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs had said that creativity is just connecting dots. Maybe I just did the same. Saw a connection between cricket and project management. Therefore I believe this creativity happens in every discipline there is. Someone who is able to be totally absorbed or immersed in that what he/she is doing, whether it is science, sports, art, philosophy, or you name it, will receive some energetic power you cannot see. It is like the wind, you feel it is there, but you cannot see it.



How do we harness this power inside of us? There have been times when I have felt that I am running out of creative juices. I feel like I am staring at empty thoughts. We all have probably been there! One of the most effective ideas has been created by putting ourselves in the shoes of other people. Isn’t that what our class on customer insights is about? Not just understanding what people do but why people do what they do. "It is not much use making a creative effort if you are then unable to appreciate your own effort. So it is important to develop a habit of mind which sets out to find value in anything. With time you will become more and more able to detect real and potential values. One outcome of creative thinking is specifically to focus attention on discovering value. When we set out to discover value there can be some big surprises. Very often there is a sudden 'insight switch'. A value which was never even glimpsed suddenly becomes obvious." (The ah-haa feeling). But there is a caveat we need to watch out for. "Creativity is never a substitute for competence. If the car does not start there is no point in being creative about destinations. On the other hand, competence is only a substitute for creativity when everyone around is being incompetent.

Start by redefining the problem completely. When you define the real problem, you can solve it and move on." After all, if you had correctly defined the real problem, you would have solved it long ago because all problems have solutions.

Bottomline : Be creative in whatever you do. You can bring creativity in any industry if you are truly passionate about what you do and you care about it.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Shivi - I really liked your work/cricket example. It is definitely in-line with what I always think/say - that we can always be creative in how we look at and solve problems. Good job describing that. The example speaks to a time when you were creative and I would have liked to hear your thoughts on whether/how a team could be creative, as well.
